Neurolens is an innovative lens technology designed to address the symptoms of eye misalignment and digital eye strain. The prescription lenses have a contoured prism to help realign your eyes and alleviate eye strain. They’re designed to work with your eyes to optimize visual acuity and reduce discomfort, helping to restore the natural synchrony between your eyes, brain, and body. 

In addition to providing relief from digital eye strain, Neurolens technology is suitable for those suffering from general eye discomfort, binocular vision disorders, and headaches. Whether you’re a student, professional, or just someone who spends a lot of time in front of screens, Neurolens can help you stay productive and comfortable throughout the day.

Benefits of Neurolens

Neurolenses can benefit those with a variety of conditions related to eye misalignment, including digital eye strain and binocular vision dysfunction.

Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain is a group of issues that occur with prolonged screen time because of the unique characteristics of digital screens, such as reduced letter precision, contrast, and glare, which can exacerbate any uncorrected vision problems. By realigning the eyes and reducing pressure on the trigeminal nerve, Neurolens can help relieve blurry vision, eye fatigue, and the associated headaches and neck and shoulder pain that often result from eye misalignment from using digital devices.

Binocular Vision Dysfunction

Binocular vision dysfunction happens when eyes cannot align properly with each other. This misalignment causes the brain to work harder to compensate for the difference and forces the eye muscles to work harder to avoid double images, leading to a range of symptoms from dizziness and nausea to anxiety and trouble sleeping.

With the ability to consider individual dynamic eye alignment, Neurolens provides a customized solution to address and treat symptoms associated with binocular vision dysfunction. 

The lenses can improve visual acuity and help create a clear image in each eye that the brain can successfully fuse into a single, focused picture. 

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